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In den Sonderoptionen einer Intellibox ist eine Unmenge an Einstellmöglichkeiten versteckt. Du findest hier eine "inoffizielle" Auflistung dieser Sonderoptionen und einige Spezialfälle, die Du unter Umständen gebrauchen kannst.


Beim Auslesen eines Decoders auf dem Programmiergleis erscheint die Fehlermeldung "Kurzschluss":
Die Intellibox hat einen klar definierten Programmierstrom. Wird dieser überschritten, meldet die Intellibox Kurzschluss. Bei dem Softwarestand 1.501 können Sie über die Sonderoption 455 den zulässigen Programmierstrom etwas anheben. Verändern Sie die Sonderoption 455 von 51 auf 63 (nur diese Einstellungen sind gültig). Falls das noch nicht ausreicht schalten Sie bitte einen 47 Ohm Widerstand in die rote Leitung zum Programmiergleis. Damit wird der Programmierstrom begrenzt und die Lok ist programmierbar.

Probleme beim Auslesen von CV Werten

Dann empfiehlt sich das Anpassen der Sonderoptionen 324 und 364

Probleme beim Schreiben von CV Werten

Hier ist die Sonderoptionen 344 zuständig


Durch Setzen der Sonderoption 822 auf den Wert 75 oder 150 (Standard ist 100) konnte laut Anwenderberichten die Resetproblematik behoben oder zumindest entschärft werden.

Tabelle der Sonderoptionen

Option Function Value or range Description
0 - - Unknown.
General Operations
1 Interface 0..5 Interface speed after power-up or reset.
0* 2400 bps.
1 4800 bps.
2 9600 bps.
3 19200 bps. Recommended setting.
4 38400 bps. This speed is not selectable with the 'Interface/Bit per second' menu, but the value '4' and the 'XB38400' command are accepted, and the Intellibox works usually fine at this speed.
5 16457 bps. For compatibility with Digitrax MS-100. LocoNet mode works also fine at other speeds (preferrably 19200 or 38400).
2 Interface 0..4 Interface protocol selected at startup or after reset.
0* P50 protocol only.
1 P50X protocol only.
2 Both P50 and P50X protocols (this is the so called 'mixed P50/P50X' protocol mode).
3 Selectable with 'Interface/Syntax' menu, but not a valid option.
4 LocoNet protocol.
3 - - Unknown.
4 Interface 0..2 CTS signal polarity.
0* Positive: +12V means CTS=TRUE (PC class of computers).
1 Negative: -12V means CTS=TRUE (MAC class of computers).
2 None: RS232 interface disabled.
5 Interface 1..2 Number of stop bits used by the Interface. 
Before version 1.500 2 stopbits were mandatory, but now all protocols will work with either 1 or 2 stopbits.
1 Recommended setting when (sometimes) using software written exclusively for MS-100 or LocoBuffer.
2* Default, see also Long RS-232 Break.
6 Interface 0..255 CTS timing with power-off ('stop').
The use of CTS for flow control is independent of the setting of this SO.
0 CTS will go false permanently with non computer induced track power-off condition (e.g. short-circuit, push of a stop button).
1..254* CTS will be false for the specified time in units of 50 ms after a stop button has been pushed. Default 12.7 secs.
255 CTS will never become false due to pushing of a stop button.
7 Interface 80..95 Lead-In character for P50X protocol (when in mixed P50/P50X mode).
88* Default: 'X'.
8 auto S88 reading 0..62 Number of groups of 8 sensor-bits (half S88) to be read automatically.
16* Default: 8 S88s with 16 contacts each.
9 - - Unknown.
10 Loc protocol 0..8 Protocol used by all loc decoders. May be overridden by individual loc specification.
0 Motorola Old.
1* Motorola New.
2 DCC 14.
3 DCC 27.
4 DCC 28.
5 DCC 28 DAC.
6 DCC 128.
7 DCC 128 DAC.
8 Selectrix
11 Warm start 30..100 Time in units of 50 ms that 'Go' and 'Stop' keys must be pressed together before a 'Reset' (warm start cycle) is initiated.
50* Default: 2.5 secs.
12 Turnout protocol 0..8 Protocol used by all turnout decoders. May be overridden by individual turnout specification.
0* Motorola protocol.
1 DCC protocol.
2..8 Unknown.
13 Minimum
0..255 Mimimum time in units of 50 ms that a turnout must be kept powered on, even when another turnout command arrives.
2* Default: 100 msecs.
14 Maximum
0..255 Maximum time in units of 50 ms that a turnout must be left powered on, when no other turnout command arrives.
100* Default: 5 secs.
15 Track
0 N-scale voltage.
1* H0-scale voltage.
16 Programming
0 Programming Track only (relay always turned on).
Programming track carries only programming signal.
1* Programming Track automatic. Relay turned on when entering programming mode (from Intellibox panel or computer).
When not in programming mode the programming track carries the same digital signal as the running track.
17..18 - - Unknown.
19 Loc status
0* Do not restore loc status at physical power on or after a reset with X@, X@@ command or with go + stop buttons. See also SO#31.
1 Restore loc status, dir and F1..4, but set speed to zero.
2 Restore complete loc status, incl. speed.
20 P50
0 P50 loc commands will be discarded when loc is controlled manually (Märklin 6050 emulation).
1* P50 loc commands will override manual loc control.
2..40 Unknown.
21 P50
0* P50 turnout commands will be discarded when Intellibox is in stop state (Märklin 6050 emulation).
1 P50 turnout commands will buffered when the Intellibox is in stop state and will be executed after pressing 'Go'.
About 16 turnout commands can be buffered.
22 Idle
0..21 Number of idle packets sent during power-on.
When set to an odd number the value applies to both Märklin and DCC protocol, when set to an even number it applies only to Märklin/Motorola protocol. See also SO#907.
0 DCC only protocol.
6 Märklin only protocol.
7* Mixed Märklin and DCC protocol.
23 S88
0 Contact timing not active.
1*..62 Sequence number of the group of 8 sensor bits (half S88) for which timing information is provided.
24 S88
0 Contact counting not active.
1*..62 Sequence number of the group of 8 sensor bits (half S88) for which contact make counts are provided.
25 Idle
0..15 Control of digital signals on the rails (bitmask).
bit 0 0 - send no DCC signal, unless a DCC loc is active.
1 - always send a DCC signal (Idle-signal when no DCC loc active).
bit 1 0 - send no Motorola signal, unless a Motorola loc is active.
1 - always send a Motorola signal (Idle-signal when no Motorola loc active).
bit 2 0 - send no Selectrix signal, unless a Selectrix loc is active.
1 - always send a Selectrix signal (Idle-signal when no Selectrix loc active).
bit 3 0 - send no ZZZ signal, unless a ZZZ loc is active.
1 - always send a ZZZ signal (Idle-signal when no ZZZ loc active).
26 Interface speed 0 'long RS232 break' from the computer does not affect the Interface speed.
1* A 'long RS232 break' from the computer resets the Interface speed to 2400 bps.
27 Refresh cycle 0 Never remove a loc from refresh cycle once it is activated.
1..240 Minimum time in minutes between the last command to a loc and the moment it may be removed from the refresh cycle.
2* Default: two minutes.
28 Refresh cycle 0* Remove loc from refresh cycle only when its speed is currently zero.
1 May remove loc from refresh cycle even when its current speed is not zero.
29 Refresh cycle 0 Do not remove loc from refresh cycle when 'in-use'.
1* May remove loc from refresh cycle even when 'in-use'.
30 - - Unknown.
31 Power off 0* Do not save the status of locs which are not refreshed anymore.
1 Save status of locs even when not anymore in the refresh cycle but still 'in-use'.
Use this value when locs with 'new' Märklin decoders (like 60901) sometimes start in the wrong direction.
32 - - Unknown.
33 I2C echo 0 Do not echo turnout commands on the internal I2C bus.
Recommended setting when no Märklin keyboards or similar devices are connected to the Intellibox.
1* Echo turnout commands on the I2C bus.
34..35 - - Unknown.
36 Booster control 1..200 Period after startup of the IB (or from 'stop' to 'go') during which the Intellibox will ignore a short-circuit signal from a booster in units of 10 ms.
20* Default (200 ms).
21 (or somewhat higher) Overcome false Märklin 6017 booster short-circuit signal.
37 I2C pause 75..200 Pause time in ms between VI2CL = +V and Go-line = high.
150* Default: 0.15 secs.
38 I2C pause 75..200 Pause time in ms between Go-line = high and start of C80(f) numbering procedure (LIPU).
100* Default: 0.1 secs.
39 Consist control 0* Do not proliferate the functions settings of the top loc of a consist to other locs of this consist.
1 Copy function settings for the top loc only to other locs of this consist with an odd address.
2 Copy function commands for the top loc only to other locs of this consist with an even address.
3 Copy the function settings of the top loc to all other locs of this consist.
40..52 - - Unknown.
53 Loc protocol 0..255 Loc decoder protocol settings.
bit 0 Unknown, default 0.
bit 1 Unknown, default 0.
bit 2 Unknown, default: 1.
bit 3 Unknown, default: 0.
bit 4 0: Do not touch Loc Special Option 4. 
1*: Set Loc Special Option 4 of every new Märklin/Motorola loc decoder to 1.
54..79 - - Unknown.
Lokmaus 1 loc address (calculation)
80 Loc 8 0..127 Offset value of address of loc 8 of Lokmaus 1.
8* Default
81 Loc 8 0..78 Segment value of address of loc 8 of Lokmaus 1.
0* Default
82 Loc 1 0..127 Offset value of address of loc 1 of Lokmaus 1.
1* Default
83 Loc 1 0..78 Segment value of address of loc 1 of Lokmaus 1.
0* Default
84 Loc 2 0..127 Offset value of address of loc 2 of Lokmaus 1.
2* Default
85 Loc 2 0..78 Segment value of address of loc 2 of Lokmaus 1.
0* Default
86 Loc 3 0..127 Offset value of address of loc 3 of Lokmaus 1.
3* Default
87 Loc 3 0..78 Segment value of address of loc 3 of Lokmaus 1.
0* Default
88 Loc 4 0..127 Offset value of address of loc 4 of Lokmaus 1.
4* Default
89 Loc 4 0..78 Segment value of address of loc 4 of Lokmaus 1.
0* Default
90 Loc 5 0..127 Offset value of address of loc 5 of Lokmaus 1.
5* Default
91 Loc 5 0..78 Segment value of address of loc 5 of Lokmaus 1.
0* Default
92 Loc 6 0..127 Offset value of address of loc 6 of Lokmaus 1.
6* Default
93 Loc 6 0..78 Segment value of address of loc 6 of Lokmaus 1.
0* Default
94 Loc 7 0..127 Offset value of address of loc 7 of Lokmaus 1.
7* Default
95 Loc 7 0..78 Segment value of address of loc 7 of Lokmaus 1.
0* Default
96 - - Unknown.
97 Startup mode 0 Startup in 'stop' state.
1* Startup in 'go' state.
98..203 - - Unknown.
204 DCC decoder programming 0..255 Search address.
40* Recommended value, especially with new Arnold decoders.
205..210 - - Unknown.
211 DCC decoder programming 0..255 Search address.
2* Recommended value, especially with new Arnold Decoders.
212..223 - - Unknown.
224 DCC decoder programming 0..255 Read Register.
8* Default value.
10 Recommended value when experiencing programming problems (may also be somewhat higher, e.g. 12).
225..243 - - Unknown.
244 DCC decoder programming 0..255 Query address (register mode).
6* Default
8 Recommended value when experiencing programming problems (may also be somewhat higher, e.g. 10).
245..256 - - Unknown.
257 DCC decoder programming 0 Disable page preset before register read.
1* Enable page preset before register read.
258..263 - - Unknown.
264 DCC decoder programming 0..255 Write Register.
10* Default
12 Recommended value when experiencing programming problems (may also be somewhat higher, e.g. 14).
265..276 - - Unknown.
277 DCC decoder programming 0* Disable page preset before register write.
1 Enable page preset before register write.
278..283 - - Unknown.
284 DCC decoder programming 0..255 Paged read.
6* Default
8 Recommended value when experiencing programming problems (may also be somewhat higher, e.g. 10).
285..303 - - Unknown.
304 DCC decoder programming 0..255 Paged write.
8* Default
10 Recommended value when experiencing programming problems (may also be somewhat higher, e.g. 12).
305..323 - - Unknown.
324 DCC decoder programming 0..255 Direct byte read.
6* Default
8 Recommended value when experiencing programming problems (may also be somewhat higher, e.g. 10).
325..343 - - Unknown.
344 DCC decoder programming 0..255 Direct byte write and direct bit write.
8* Default
10 Recommended value when experiencing programming problems (may also be somewhat higher, e.g. 12).
345..363 - - Unknown.
364 DCC decoder programming 0..255 Direct bit read.
10* Default
12 Recommended value when experiencing programming problems (may also be somewhat higher, e.g. 14).
365..394 - - Unknown.
395 Uhlenbrock
0* Turn off the lights of Uhlenbrock decoders during programming, except blinking to indicate result of programming.
1 Do not control the lights.
396 - - Unknown.
397 Uhlenbrock
24..80 Maximum time in units of 250 ms for an Uhlenbrock loc decoder to switch from normal mode to programming mode.
50* Default: 12.5 secs.
80 Recommended setting (20 secs).
398 Uhlenbrock
12..40 Maximum time in units of 250 ms which an Uhlenbrock decoder requires to show 4 blinks of the lights after succesfully processing a programming command, to indicate it is prepared to receive the expected parameter.
20* Default: 5 secs.
40 Recommended setting (10 secs).
399 Uhlenbrock
1..20 Minimum time in units of 250 ms for an Uhlenbrock decoder to accept a new parameter.
4* Default: 1 sec.
400..449 - - Unknown.
450 Memory mode 2..100 Stepping speed of a programmed route in units of 50 ms.
10* Default: 0.5 seconds per step.
451 Memory mode 1..200 Duration of a pause step in a programmed route in units of 50 ms.
20* Default: 1 second.
452..454 - - Unknown.
455 Lenz decoder programming 0..191 Unknown.
51* Default
63 May improve programming of Lenz decoders, like LE0521D,1024/1025.
456..475 - - Unknown.
476 Short
1..15 Unit of time for second 'short-circuit' signalling (see SO#478). This value, expressed in units of 50 msecs, divided by the value of SO#477 determines the time after which a second short-circuit is signalled.
10* Default. With the default of SO#477, will result in 250 msecs (10 * 50 / 2).
477 Short
1..10 Factor for second short-circuit detection (see SO#476).
2* Default
478 Short
0 Disable second short circuit detection (see also SO#476 and SO#477).
4* Enable second short circuit detection.
This is a fail safe feature in addition to the primary short circuit detection (controlled with SO#930).
479 Power-on
0..100 Number of times - with 3 msec intervals - to check for an (illegal) external voltage. If detected the Intellibox starts-up in Power-Off mode.
15* Default
480..495 - - Unknown.
496 External
1..100 Number of times an external voltage has to be detected before signalling this error condition.
3* Default
497 External
1..250 Interval in units of 1 msecs between external voltage detections.
100* Default: 0.1 secs.
498 Booster control 0 Signal line 'SGNL' always low.
1* Signal line active: booster is informed about Power-Off state.
499..661 - - Unknown.
662 Loc decoder programming bit 0 0 - Do not set bit 5 of CV 29 when reading a long address.
1* - set bit 5 of CV 29 when reading a long address.
bit 1 0 - bit 5 of CV 29 is not set when writing a long address.
1* - bit 5 of CV 29 is set when writing a long address.
bit 2 0* - Ignore errors when writing bit 5 of CV 29 as part of reading or writing a long address.
1 - do not ignore errors when writing bit 5 of CV 29.
This does not apply to a bit write performed through the CV(bit) menu.
3* Default: bit0=1 bit1=1, bit2=0.
See also version 1.300 updates in file 'changes.txt' of the update package.
663 IntelliBox reset 0* Disable Intellibox resets by P50X commands.
1 Do not filter P50X commands which can result in a reset of the IB.
664..698 - - Unknown.
IRIS mode
699 IRIS mode 0..200 Time in units of 150 ms for the Intellibox panel display in IRIS_mode to revert to showing loc speed after having shown turnout status.
0 No timeout: no automatic fall back to loc speed/direction display.
33* Default: approx. 5 seconds.
700 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '0'.
0* Default
701 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '1'.
1* Default
702 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '2'.
2* Default
703 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '3'.
3* Default
704 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '4'.
4* Default
705 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '5'.
5* Default
706 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '6'.
6* Default
707 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '7'.
7* Default
708 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '8'.
8* Default
709 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '9'.
9* Default
710..711 - - Unknown.
712 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'Stop'.
12* Default: toggle Power Off/On.
713 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'Loco'.
14* Default: Select Loc address.
714 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'Turnout'.
15* Default: Select Turnout address.
715 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'Route'.
16* Default: Select Route number.
716 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '-->'.
54* Default: direction forward / emergency stop.
717 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '<--'.
55* Default: direction backward, emergency stop.
718 - - Unknown.
719 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'Off'.
107* Default: Function (F0) ON while pressed, then OFF.
720 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'f0'.
57* Default: Function (F0) ON.
721 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'f1'.
91* Default: Toggle Function F1 (or F5,F9,F13).
722 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'f2'.
92* Default: Toggle Function F2 (or F6,F10,F14).
723 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'f3'.
93* Default: Toggle Function F3 (or F7,F11,F15).
724 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'f4'.
94* Default: Toggle Function F4 (or F8,F12,F16).
725..728 - - Unknown.
729 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'f+4'.
20* Default: Shift key f1..4 to f5..f8.
730 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'f+8'.
21* Default: Shift key f1..4 to f9..f12.
731 - - Unknown.
732 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '+'.
24* Default: Increase speed.
733 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key '-'.
25* Default: Decrease speed.
734..739 - - Unknown.
740 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'T0 red'.
124* Default: Turnout base_address + 0: RED.
741 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'T0 green'.
125* Default: Turnout base_address + 0: GREEN.
742 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'T1 red'.
126* Default: Turnout base_address + 1: RED.
743 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'T1 green'.
127* Default: Turnout base_address + 1: GREEN.
744 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'T2 red'.
128* Default: Turnout base_address + 2: RED.
745 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'T2 green'.
129* Default: Turnout base_address + 2: GREEN.
746 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'T3 red'.
130* Default: Turnout base_address + 3: RED.
747 IRIS key 0..255 Command code for IRIS key 'T3 green'.
131* Default: Turnout base_address + 3: GREEN.
748..767 - - Unknown.
768 IRIS to PC 0..15 Select IRIS commands to be forwarded to PC.
bit 0 0 = Do not forward, 1 = Forward commands not coming from an IRIS channel.
bit 1 0 = Do not forward, 1 = Forward P50X commands (see docs).
bit 2 0 = Do not forward, 1 = Forward commands coming from an IRIS channel.
bit 3 0 = Do not forward, 1 = Forward LocoNet commands (see docs).
1* Forward P50X commands.
769 Speed steps 1..13 Number of speed steps of controlled loc to jump with the '+' or '-' keys.
4* Default
770 IRIS key 0..200 Timeout in units of 0.15 seconds for Loco/Turnout/Route and Function keys.
67* Default: approx. 1 second.
771 IRIS key 0..255 Command to be executed when the 'f1' key is pressed after pressing the 'f+4' key.
95* Default: toggle the F5 function.
772 IRIS key 0..255 Command to be executed when the 'f2' key is pressed after pressing the 'f+4' key.
96* Default: toggle the F6 function.
773 IRIS key 0..255 Command to be executed when the 'f3' key is pressed after pressing the 'f+4' key.
97* Default: toggle the F7 function.
774 IRIS key 0..255 Command to be executed when the 'f4' key is pressed after pressing the 'f+4' key.
98* Default: toggle the F8 function.
775 IRIS key 0..255 Command to be executed when the 'f1' key is pressed after pressing the 'f+8' key.
99* Default: toggle the F9 function.
776 IRIS key 0..255 Command to be executed when the 'f2' key is pressed after pressing the 'f+8' key.
100* Default: toggle the F10 function.
777 IRIS key 0..255 Command to be executed when the 'f3' key is pressed after pressing the 'f+8' key.
101* Default: toggle the F11 function.
778 IRIS key 0..255 Command to be executed when the 'f4' key is pressed after pressing the 'f+8' key.
102* Default: toggle the F12 function.
779 IRIS key
2..21 Mimimum time in units of 150 ms that an IRIS key must have been released before taking the appropriate action. Applies to Function keys.
2* Default: 0.3 seconds.
780 IRIS key command 10..255* Command to be executed when the '0' key is pressed when not entering an address or number sequence.
255* Default: no action.
781 IRIS key command 10..255* Command to be executed when the '1' key is pressed when not entering an address or number sequence.
255* Default: no action.
782 IRIS key command 10..255* Command to be executed when the '2' key is pressed when not entering an address or number sequence.
255* Default: no action.
783 IRIS key command 10..255* Command to be executed when the '3' key is pressed when not entering an address or number sequence.
255* Default: no action.
784 IRIS key command 10..255* Command to be executed when the '4' key is pressed when not entering an address or number sequence.
255* Default: no action.
785 IRIS key command 10..255* Command to be executed when the '5' key is pressed when not entering an address or number sequence.
255* Default: no action.
786 IRIS key command 10..255* Command to be executed when the '6' key is pressed when not entering an address or number sequence.
255* Default: no action.
787 IRIS key command 10..255* Command to be executed when the '7' key is pressed when not entering an address or number sequence.
255* Default: no action.
788 IRIS key command 10..255* Command to be executed when the '8' key is pressed when not entering an address or number sequence.
255* Default: no action.
789 IRIS key command 10..255* Command to be executed when the '9' key is pressed when not entering an address or number sequence.
255* Default: no action.
790 IRIS key
1..21 Mimimum time in units of 150 ms that a '-' or '+' key must be pressed before accepting is as valid.
3* Default: 0.45 seconds.
791 IRIS route control 0..255* Command code for turnout key T0 red, when pressed immediately after Route key. 
See also SO#715.
255* No action.
792 IRIS route control 0..255* Command code for turnout key T0 green, when pressed immediately after Route key.
255* No action.
793 IRIS route control 0..255* Command code for turnout key T1 red, when pressed immediately after Route key.
255* No action.
794 IRIS route control 0..255* Command code for turnout key T1 green, when pressed immediately after Route key.
255* No action.
795 IRIS route control 0..255* Command code for turnout key T2 red, when pressed immediately after Route key.
255* No action.
796 IRIS route control 0..255* Command code for turnout key T2 green, when pressed immediately after Route key.
255* No action.
797 IRIS route control 0..255* Command code for turnout key T3 red, when pressed immediately after Route key.
255* No action.
798 IRIS route control 0..255* Command code for turnout key T3 green, when pressed immediately after Route key.
255* No action.
799 Turnout base 0 A common turnout base address is used for all IRIS channels.
1* Each IRIS channel uses its own Turnout base address.
Panel operation
800 display backlight 0..13* Backlight level of Intellibox panel display.
801 display contrast 0*..100 Contrast voltage level of Intellibox panel display.
(0 = 0V, 100 = 5V).
802 LED dimming 0..6 Dimming factor of LEDs
(higher value gived reduced brightness).
4* Medium brightness.
803 display language 0..8 Language of messages on Intellibox panel display.
P50Xa protocol replies are always in English.
0* German
1 English
2 French
3 Italian
4 Dutch
5 Swedish
6 Spanish
7 Portugese
8 Danish
804..807 - - Unknown.
808 Loc
0* AC style speed control: direction switching by push-button.
1 DC style automatic direction switching.
809 Speed
0* Absolute step value (protocol dependent).
1 Percentage of maximum speed.
810 Turnout
0 When in keyboard mode each red/green key pair is assigned an address from the keyboard table (SO#871..878).
1*..255 Address of turnout assigned to key pair '1'(red) and '4'(green) when in keyboard mode.
The following 7 addresses are assigned to subsequent pairs of red/green keys.
811 - - Unknown.
812 Sensor display 1*..128 Sequence number of the group of 8 sensor bits (half S88) to be displayed on the Intellibox panel display initially after power-on or reset.
813..814 - - Unknown.
815 Turnout
0..4 Initial 'mode' setting of the Intellibox panel display after power on or reset.
The value of this SO is 1 lower than the number of the key to press after the 'mode' key.
0* Keyboard mode.
1 Memory mode.
2 S88 monitor mode.
3 Programming mode.
4 IRIS mode.
  When 'memory mode' option is not installed (in older Intelliboxes), the numbering is: 0=Keyboard mode, 1=S88 Monitor mode, 2=Programming mode.
816 - - Unknown.
817 Mode
1..255 Time in units of 10 ms during which mode change message is being displayed after hitting the 'mode' key.
100* Default (1 second).
818..821 - - Unknown.
822 Decoder programming 75..255 Unknown.
100* Default. A value of 75 or 150 may be needed to display the correct speed and format values after upgrading to version 1.500 or 1.501.
823..824 - - Unknown.
825 Decoder programming 0*..1 Unknown.
1 May improve reliability of determining address of older DCC decoders, like Märklin 6085.
826 Decoder programming 0..4 Default menu when entering programming mode.
0* Uhlenbrock decoder menu.
1 DCC decoder menu.
2 Selectrix decoder menu.
3..4 Unknown.
827 Startup mode 0 No questions (see with value 1).
1* Intellibox asks if locs really have to start at the previously saved speed.
828..834 - - Unknown.
835 Speed of
0 Show speed of a consists in speed steps.
1* Show speed of consists in percentage of maximum speed.
836 Loc
0* Do not display sub-menu with decoder address search option.
1 Display sub-menu of decoder address search option.
837 Loc mode after restart 0* No locs are preselected after restart
1 The locs, which are selected before the last power off are displayed after the restart
2..4 For each IB-Control, which must have this behavior, increase the value one incremet. Max. 3 IB-Controls
838 IRIS mode 0 Disable IRIS mode (automatically set to 1 by the Intellibox upon receiving an IR command).
Note: Requires power off/on of the Intellibox after any change.
1* Enable IRIS mode.
839 IRIS mode 0..200 Time in units of 100 ms of the Intellibox panel display in IRIS_mode to revert to showing loc speed after having shown loc function status.
0 No timeout: no automatic fall back to speed/direction display.
25* Default: 2.5 seconds.
840 Rotary
0* Rotary encoders behave normally with respect to the control of locomotive speed and direction.
1 Pressing the rotary encoder either stops the locomotive (immediately) and, if the rotary encoders have been configured for 'AC mode', inverts the locomotive driving direction.
841..843 - - Unknown.
844 IB mode 0* The IB works as central
1 The IB works as IB-Control (e.g. an additional control unit operated together with a second Intellibox)
845..860 - - Unknown.
Lokmaus key table
861 Loc 1 1*..4 With each Lokmaus right button press: toggle F1..F4 on/off.
5..8 Lokmaus right button pressed: F1..F4 on, released: F1..F4 off.
9..12 As values 1..4.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
13..16 As values 5..8.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
862 Loc 2 1*..4 With each Lokmaus right button press: toggle F1..F4 on/off.
5..8 Lokmaus button right pressed: F1..F4 on, released: F1..F4 off.
9..12 As values 1..4.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
13..16 As values 5..8.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
863 Loc 3 1*..4 With each Lokmaus right button press: toggle F1..F4 on/off.
5..8 Lokmaus right button pressed: F1..F4 on, released: F1..F4 off.
9..12 As values 1..4.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
13..16 As values 5..8.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
864 Loc 4 1*..4 With each Lokmaus right button press: toggle F1..F4 on/off.
5..8 Lokmaus right button pressed: F1..F4 on, released: F1..F4 off.
9..12 As values 1..4.
In addition: left Lokmaus button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
13..16 As values 5..8.
In addition: left Lokmaus button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
865 Loc 5 1*..4 With each Lokmaus right button press: toggle F1..F4 on/off.
5..8 Lokmaus right button pressed: F1..F4 on, released: F1..F4 off.
9..12 As values 1..4.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
13..16 As values 5..8.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
866 Loc 6 1*..4 With each Lokmaus right button press: toggle F1..F4 on/off.
5..8 Lokmaus right button pressed: F1..F4 on, released: F1..F4 off.
9..12 As values 1..4.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
13..16 As values 5..8.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
867 Loc 7 1*..4 With each Lokmaus right button press: toggle F1..F4 on/off.
5..8 Lokmaus right button pressed: F1..F4 on, released: F1..F4 off.
9..12 As values 1..4.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
13..16 As values 5..8.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
868 Loc 8 1*..4 With each Lokmaus right button press: toggle F1..F4 on/off.
5..8 Lokmaus right button pressed: F1..F4 on, released: F1..F4 off.
9..12 As values 1..4.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
13..16 As values 5..8.
In addition: Lokmaus left button pressed: FL/function on, released: FL/function off.
869..870 - - Unknown.
Turnout key table
871 Turnout 1 0..255 Address less 1 of turnout to be assigned to key pair 1(red),4(green).
10* Turnout 11 assigned to key pair (1,4).
872 Turnout 2 0..255 Address less 1 of turnout to be assigned to key pair 2(red),5(green).
20* Turnout 21 assigned to key pair (2,5).
873 Turnout 3 0..255 Address less 1 of turnout to be assigned to key pair 3(red),6(green).
30* Turnout 31 assigned to key pair (3,6).
874 Turnout 4 0..255 Address less 1 of turnout to be assigned to key pair C(red),+(green).
40* Turnout 41 assigned to key pair (C,+).
875 Turnout 5 0..255 Address less 1 of turnout to be assigned to key pair 7(red),left-arrow(green).
50* Turnout 51 assigned to key pair (7,left-arrow).
876 Turnout 6 0..255 Address less 1 of turnout to be assigned to key pair 8(red),0(green).
60* Turnout 61 assigned to key pair (8,0).
877 Turnout 7 0..255 Address less 1 of turnout to be assigned to key pair 9(red),right-arrow(green).
70* Turnout 71 assigned to key pair (9,right-arrow).
878 Turnout 8 0..255 Address less 1 of turnout to be assigned to key pair Enter(red),down-arrow(green).
80* Turnout 81 assigned to key pair (Enter,down-arrow).
879..900 - - Unknown.
901 booster
1*..100 Asymmetry factor of digital signal on booster connection.
3 When Märklin boosters 6015 or 6017 are used to control DCC decoders.
902 Function
12 Default
16 (up to about 18) to correct failing command transmission to the Märklin measurement car and crane.
903 - - Unknown.
904 - 2..255 ?
28* Default.
42 Recommended value when older DCC decoders are used together with Motorola decoders.
905..906 - - Unknown.
907 idle signal 1* Motorola idle signal is sent until the first Motorola loc is addressed.
When SO#25 is '1' the idle signal will be remain to be sent even after the first Motorola loc has been addressed.
4 A DCC idle signal is sent.
5 Both Motorola and DCC idle signals are sent.
908 Short
0..255 Reaction time to a short-circuit condition reported by an external Booster.
3 Default.
909 - 193..202 Controls the time between a Marklin/Motorola and a successive DCC frame.
198* Default: approx. 0.9 microseconds.
199 or slightly higher ensures Märklin C95 decoders (6095) behave correctly. 
May also apply to Delta decoders and 'special' 6090 decoders with the 701.17 chip.
202 Maximum: approx. 2.1 microseconds.
910..913 - - Unknown.
914 Function
18* Default
24 (up to about 26) to correct failing command transmission to the Märklin measurement car.
40 to control the Märklin crane (46715).
915..929 - - Unknown.
930 Short
10..120 Time in units of 5 ms before power shut-off after detection of excessive current flow.
100* Default (0.5 seconds).
931 Stop waittime 0..255 Time in units of 7 µs to wait for the I2C Stop signal.
1* For Märklin Control Unit 6021 and/or a Märklin keyboard 6040 attachments.
Default for SPU versions 1.007 and higher.
2..3 Alternatives for 1.
Value 2 is default for SPU version 1.000.
5 When Märklin 6027 or another DCC CU is connected.
Default setting for SPU versions 1.001 to 1.006.
932 Bit length 0..255 Length of a bit in units of 4 µs.
4* Default: 16 µs.
933..934 - - Unknown.
935 I2C pause 0..255 High nibble (high order half byte) determines pause in ms after first byte of a (2-byte) I2C command to a C80(f) or keyboard.
Low nibble (low order half byte) determines pause in ms after last byte of an I2C message.
17* Default (hexadecimal '11'): 1 ms pause for both situations.
936..998 - - Unknown.
999 Firmware fixed High order digits of firmware version number.
Below examples of combinations of Special Option settings for some commonly used environments:
Option Value Description
Märklin/Motorola only environment
22 0 or 6 Number of Märklin/Motorola and DCC idle packets after power on.
25 2 Always send a Märklin/Motorola loc signal.
907 1 Only Motorola idle signal.
DCC only environment
22 0 Number of DCC only idle packets after power on.
25 1 Always send a DCC loc signal.
907 4 Only DCC idle signal.
Mixed Märklin/Motorola and DCC environment
22 7 Number of Märklin/Motorola and DCC idle signals after power on.
25 1 Always send a DCC loc signal.
907 5 Both Motorola and DCC idle signals.
LocoNet mode (MS-100 compatibility mode)
1 5 Interface speed: 16457 bps.
2 4 Interface Syntax: LocoNet.
5 1 Number of stopbits: 1.
6 255 disable drop of CTS when entering 'stop' state.
LocoNet mode (LocoBuffer compatibility mode)
1 3 Interface speed: 19200 bps.
2 4 Interface Syntax: LocoNet.
5 1 Number of stopbits: 1.
6 255 disable drop of CTS when entering 'stop' state.
Last Update: 27.12.2014, 11:00